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Sett med to 8mm til M4 konverteringsbøssinger som lar deg montere en tune-o-matic bro på asiaprodusert Jazzmaster eller tilsvarende.
For mounting tunomatic, roller and other...
Sett med to 9mm tili M4 konverteringsbøssinger som lar deg montere en tune-o-matic bro på Jazzmaster eller tilsvarende. Passer For mounting tunomatic, roller and other bridges...
Göldo DG tremolo for "offset gitarer" (Jaguar/Jazzmaster) er ikke en kopi av det originale Fender systemet, men kan monteres uten modifikasjon på instrumentet. DG systemet har en myk...
Licensed by Duesenberg - Can simply be swapped for a stop tailpiece. No drilling, no milling necessary. The tremolo is attached to the two threaded tailpiece bushings with the supplied screws. The...
Licensed by Duesenberg - Can simply be swapped for a stop tailpiece. No drilling, no milling necessary. The tremolo is attached to the two threaded tailpiece bushings with the supplied screws. The...
Licensed by Duesenberg - Can simply be swapped for a stop tailpiece. No drilling, no milling necessary. The tremolo is attached to the two threaded tailpiece bushings with the supplied screws. The...
Licensed by Duesenberg - Can simply be swapped for a stop tailpiece. No drilling, no milling necessary. The tremolo is attached to the two threaded tailpiece bushings with the supplied screws. The...
Licensed by Duesenberg - Can simply be swapped for a stop tailpiece. No drilling, no milling necessary. It's easily attached to the two threaded tailpiece bushings with the supplied screws. Classic...
Not everyone wants to use the traditional design parts from decades ago. That's why we set out to design a new line of guitar components that moves away from the classic designs - göldo...
Licensed by Duesenberg - Can simply be swapped for a stop tailpiece. No drilling, no milling necessary. It's easily attached to the two threaded tailpiece bushings with the supplied screws. Classic...
Not everyone wants to use the traditional design parts from decades ago. That's why we set out to design a new line of guitar components that moves away from the classic designs - göldo...
Licensed by Duesenberg - Can simply be swapped for a stop tailpiece. No drilling, no milling necessary. It's easily attached to the two threaded tailpiece bushings with the supplied screws. Classic...
Not everyone wants to use the traditional design parts from decades ago. That's why we set out to design a new line of guitar components that moves away from the classic designs - göldo...
Not everyone wants to use the traditional design parts from decades ago. That's why we set out to design a new line of guitar components that moves away from the classic designs - göldo...
Not everyone wants to use the traditional design parts from decades ago. That's why we set out to design a new line of guitar components that moves away from the classic designs - göldo...