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Miniformat mikrofonvender on-on-on produsert av Centralab. Tommegjenget. Leveres uten vendeknott (US spec). Vender og gjenget bøssing har normale størrelser.
Lengde på gjenget bøssing: 9,5 mm
Diameter på gjenget bøssing: 11,11mm (7/16 tomme)
Minimum monteringsdybde: 13mm
Centralab® toggle switch with full size actuator is the perfect pickup selector switch for tight, cramped locations. This 3 way toggle switch is suitable for use in guitars such as the Les Paul®, SG, 335® or any model that typically uses a standard 3 way switch. The Centralab® 3-way toggle switch provides a compact, silent action switch requiring less space without the function noise that some classic-styled toggle switches . With the internals protected by outer housing, these toggle switches are less vulnerable to damage and contact corrosion.