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Denne toppmodellen er kjent som Waffleback™ og har vært ute av produksjon de siste 40 årene. Kluson® har nå relansert denne modellen som ble brukt på talløse high end Gibson® Les Paul®, ES-355®, Super 400, L5 og tidlige Les Paul® SG Custom.
Viktige mål:
post diameter - 1/4 in. (.25 in.)
festeskrue avstand (senter til senter) - 2,705 cm (1 1/16 in. / 1.065in.)
bredde på hus 1,651 cm - ( 21/32 in. /.65 in.)
lengde på hus - 3,429 cm (1 23/64 in. / 1.35 in.)
ytre diameter på bøssing - 0,889cm. -( 11/32 in./ .35 in.)
15:1 giring
Historisk brukt på 1954 - 1958 Gibson Les Paul Custom
This top of the line diecast Kluson® tuning machine, known as the Super, Waffleback, or Radiator Back had been out of production for 40 years. We are proud to reissue this tuning machine using the original specs and dimensions to assure you a drop-in replacement for your original vintage instrument. This specific model was used on early Gibson® Les Paul® Customs in the 1950's. The 15:1 gear ratio offers superb performance and reliability and it looks exactly as it was originally intended. Finally you can retrofit those vintage instruments you love to their original glory with these beautiful reissued tuning machines!