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P-Retro er en enkel men fleksibel aktiv/passiv bass preamp eq som gir nye muligheter til en av verdens mest populære bassmodeller uten permanent modifikasjon av instrumentet. P-Retro har to stablede ratt som hver har en pull-switch, en klasse A FET forforsterker eg et høykvalitets rele for ren ekte bypass. Preampen får strømforsyning fra et innebygd oppladbart batteri med lang levetid og rask oppladning.
Den normale volum kontrollen blir byttet ut med en kombinert volum/tone kontroll som i passiv modus fungerer nøyaktig som på en normal passiv bass - og signalet går direkte til jack utgangen. Når volumrattet dras opp kobles den aktive kretsen inn etter den passive tonekontrollen og løfter signalet med 2,5dB med flat respons. I tillegg fungerer den øvre delen av rattet for tonekontroll som enten en mid boost eller som en kombinert bass/diskant boost. Den nedre delen av rattet kontrollerer det variable frekvenspunktet for begge variantene av eq funksjon.
P-Retro funksjoner:
* to stablede ratt, begge med pull switcher.
* Original ren passiv P style bass kontroll ved hjelp av forbikobling med høykvalitets relé.
* Class A FET forforsterker.
* Flat respons aktiv setting.
* Variabel frequency mid boost mode.
* Variabel frequency combine bass/treble boost mode.
* Deep boost switch med fire frekvenser, valgt via interne brytere.
* Deep boost level set via internal preset trimmer.
* Oppladbart internt Li-Pol Battery, med typisk 40 timers bruk per oppladning.
* Oppladning skjer ved bruk av medfølgende AC/DC adapter som plugges inn i bassens jackkontakt.
* Auto passive bypass dersom systemet ikke er oppladet. (Bassen blir aldri stum).
* Enkel tilkobling med skru-terminaler gjør at du slipper lodding.
* Installasjonen er 100% reverserbar uten modifikasjon av instrumentet.
* Dimensjoner: L50.0 x W27.0 x D15.0 mm
* P-Retro Volume/Tone & Li-Pol battery approximate dimensions: L50.0 x H29.0 x D19.0 mm
The P-Retro is based on a novel dual mode circuit which has a flat response setting, a conventional variable frequency mid range boost, as well as a combined bass/treble boost. A ‘deep’ setting is available too, as well as a bright option. NOTE: With regard to knob rotation: CW = Turning a knob up towards maximum or clockwise ACW = Backing a knob off, turning it anti-clockwise or counter-clockwise
Works purely passively at all times and is designed to function exactly as the standard Volume and Passive Tone in a P Style Bass. This is in order that the wonderful stock sounds are always available, with no compromise.
VOLUME IN PASSIVE (Upper Knob Pushed Down)
When the upper knob is in its down position, the system is bypassed via a high quality relay with gold plated contacts. In this case, the jack is fed directly from the output of the Volume, exactly as a standard P Style Bass.
VOLUME IN ACTIVE (Upper Knob Pulled Up)
When the upper knob is in its up position, the active circuit is in activated and the output of the volume feeds the input to a class A FET input stage. The audio is passed through the active stage and its output feeds the jack with a low impedance signal.
PASSIVE TONE (Lower Knob in both Active & Passive Modes)
Acts directly on the pickup at all times, exactly as in a standard P Style Bass, playing a totally familiar role.
The Passive Tone is also extremely useful in the active mode, further allowing the treble content of any active boost to be suitably backed off or subtly tailored. The Tone Capacitor plugs in, easily allowing different values.
DUAL BOOST KNOB (Upper Knob Pushed Down)
In its centre click, there is additional gain of 2.5dBs with an essentially flat frequency response. (Additionally there is an option for a slightly brighter sound by setting an internal switch to on, described in the installation set-up.) Turning it CW gives a mid boost ranging from 0 – 15dBs at frequencies according to the setting of Frequency knob. Turning it ACW gives a combined boost to the bass and treble spectrum. The lowest level point is set by the Frequency Knob, but the amount of bass and treble boost varies according to the setting of the Frequency knob. (Not easily described in specification terms)
DUAL BOOST KNOB - DEEP (Upper Knob Pulled Up) Pulling up the Boost Knob activates a Deep setting. There are four frequency settings for the Deep Boost, set via switches on the circuit board - 40Hz, 60Hz, 80Hz & 100Hz. The Deep Boost level is also adjustable via a preset trimmer.
NOTE Important:
The Deep switches and level preset are placed on the circuit board such that, if six of the pickguard screws are removed, the pickguard can be eased up in order to gain access for adjustment while the bass is fully playable.
The lower outer knob has 41 click positions to set the frequency of operation for the upper knob. Turn ACW for the lower frequencies and CW for the highest frequencies.